Your benefits with an annual pass

Free entrance for you and a companion in Den Gamle By
Free entrance
for you and a companion in The Occupation Museum in Aarhus

10% discount
on food and beverages in Den Gamle By's restaurants and food stands

10% discount on products and items in Den Gamle By's shops

Extra discount
on guided tours, lectures and special themed dinners

50% discount

Tivoli Friheden / Aarhus (for you and a companion)
Aalborg Zoo
/ Aalborg
Givskud Zoo
/ Givskud, Give

Vadehavscentret / Ribe
Egeskov Slot / Kværndrup
Koldinghus / Kolding
Brandts / Odense
Aqua Akvarium og Dyrepark / Silkeborg
Ree Park Safari / Djursland
Hjerl Hede / Vinderup
Jesperhus Blomsterpark /Nykøbing Mors
Randers Regnskov / Randers
Universe / Nordborg

Free entrance

Skansen / Stockholm
Kulturen / Lund
Gamle Linköping / Linköping
Jamtli / Östersund
Norsk Folkemuseum / Oslo
Maihaugen / Lillehammer